Holy Pilgrimage - Hindu temples in USA
Ramakrishna Vedanta Society, Boston, MA
England's Vedanta roots go back to 1893 when Swami Vivekananda came to Boston and taught Vedanta philosophy even before he became
a renowned religious figure at the World Parliament of Religions held in Chicago that year.
After the
Parliament, Vivekananda stayed for extended periods in various parts of New
England, including Boston.
Later, two other disciples of Ramakrishna, Swamis Saradananda and Abhedananda,
visited Boston
and gave classes on Vedanta.
In 1910
Swami Paramananda built the first permanent Vedanta center in Boston, and in 1941 Swami Akhilananda moved
it to its present location at 58
Deerfield Street. After his passing in 1962, Swami
Sarvagatananda led the Vedanta Society for forty years until his formal
retirement in 2002. Swami Tyagananda is currently the head of the Vedanta work
in Boston.
detailed history of the Vedanta Society in Boston is under preparation and will be
uploaded when ready.
Vedanta Society is a branch of the Ramakrishna Order
founded by Swami Vivekananda, with its headquarters at Belur Math, near Calcutta,
in India
Programs offered at the Vedanta Society are
free and open to all. The schedule of programs is mailed every month to
members. To request membership, please fill and submit the form available in
the foyer when you visit the Society.
Campus Programs for the student community in Boston and its vicinity
include scripture classes, informal discussions, and meditation instruction.
Sunday School for children of different age groups
has attractive educational and cultural programs every week.
Sarada Library, currently being reorganized and hence temporarily
closed, has a good collection of books on religion and philosophy.
Interviews are granted by Swami Tyagananda,
the resident teacher, to those who seek clarification of problems encountered
in spiritual study and practice. Personal Guidance in meditation practice may
be had by appointment
with the swami.
Books on Vedanta, Ramakrishna and Vivekananda
are available before and after the Satsang on Sundays, the Study Group meetings
on Wednesdays, and the meditations on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Campus Ministry
More than
a hundred years ago, Swami Vivekananda referred to Boston
as the brain of America.
Although good schools have sprung up in many other parts of the country since
those words were spoken, the Boston
area still has some of the world's finest schools and colleges.
Since the
time that Vivekananda came to America,
by far the largest number of those attracted by Vedanta philosophy has been of
the students and faculty from campuses across the country. Academics studying
South Asian religions--particularly Hinduism--continue to use translations of
Vedanta texts published by the Ramakrishna Order. Monastics of the Order
regularly address school and college groups on Vedanta ideals and practices.
Swami Tyagananda,
Hindu chaplain at both Harvard and MIT, is a monk of the Ramakrishna Order, and
leads programs on both the campuses. On invitation, he gives classes at Boston College,
Boston University,
University of Massachusetts,
and other schools and colleges in and around Boston.
with Swami Tyagananda can be made for spiritual guidance and support.
Newsletters giving information about the upcoming programs are emailed every
week. Please click on the link below to be put on the mailing list or to make
an appointment.
Evenings 7:30–8:30
Prayer, guided meditation, study
and informal discussion with
Swami Tyagananda.
The current text is Bhagavad Gita.
Mornings 11:00–12:00
prayer, play, music, art, study
Mornings 11:00 – 12:00
prayer, music, meditation and
reflection by Swami Tyagananda
followed by refreshments and informal
5 All About Karma
12 Being a Child
19 The Story of
Swami Tyagananda gives spiritual guidance and
meditation instruction to those who have participated
in Society’s programs for some time and want to deepen
their spiritual life There is no charge for this
Appointments must be made in advance
The Ramakrishna Vedanta Society of
Massachusetts is located near the Kenmore Square and Fenway areas of Boston. It
is easily accessible by T
(alight at Kenmore Station on the Green Line--B, C, or D but not E) and
from Mass Pike and Storrow Drive. For detailed driving directions, please use
online services or call us. For bus and subway information
58 Deerfield Street
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 536-5320
58 Deerfield Street
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 536-5320
email Address
Area Maps
Click here for area maps.
Click here for area maps.
Visiting Hours
Sun 10:30 AM = 12:30 PM
Tue 5:45 PM - 7:15 PM
Wed 7:15 PM - 8:15 PM
Sat 5:45 PM - 7:15 PM
Sun 10:30 AM = 12:30 PM
Tue 5:45 PM - 7:15 PM
Wed 7:15 PM - 8:15 PM
Sat 5:45 PM - 7:15 PM
The Center has limited private parking abutting the building. Street parking is available around the Center.
The Center has limited private parking abutting the building. Street parking is available around the Center.
Sadhu Vaswani Center, Dracut, MA
Sadhu Vaswani Center
Suite #10, 1827 Bridge Street
Dracut, MA. 01826
Suite #10, 1827 Bridge Street
Dracut, MA. 01826
Our mission is to maintain, preserve
and propagate the teachings of our founders SADHU VASWANI and DADA J P VASWANI.
SVC holds Satsang's on about 14 Sundays in a year, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
followed by Langar Prasad. Please see the CALENDAR for details. We try to be
close to the major Hindu holidays and major days of the SVC Mission in Pune,
1827 Bridge street (Route 38), Dracut, Mass. 01826
(Tel:978-851-3456, Fax-978-851-0156,)
1827 Bridge street (Route 38), Dracut, Mass. 01826
(Tel:978-851-3456, Fax-978-851-0156,)
Coming from South Of Mass Pike:
From Rte. 128, Take Rte. 3 N. to
Lowell. Take Exit #30N for Rte. 495 N. Travel 5 minutes. Take exit for Rte 38
N. for Lowell and Dracut. Travel for Approx. 5 - 6 miles on Rte. 38 N. through
Lowell, go over the river, go around rotary 3/4 of the circle, turn Right at a
traffic light (Dunkin Donut at Corner on Right). Pass sign “entering Dracut”,
go straight through next traffic light (Pass Wendy’s Restaurant on Right). Then
go for 1/2 mile. Pass second Dunkin Donuts on right. About 300 ft. further,
Turn Right into driveway at a Blue sign Board, #l827 Bridge St., (Bridge Street
is Rte. 38). Our entrance driveway is directly across “Bridgewood” plaza.
From North of Mass. Pike or Boston or Logan Airport
Take Rte. 93 N. Pass Rte. 495, Continue
on Rte. 93 N. Take Exit No. 46. Go 3/4 way around Rotary and take Rte. 113 West
for Dracut. Follow Rte. 113 West to Dracut (about 5 - 6 miles). At traffic
light, turn Right onto Rte.38N. (See Wendy’s Restaurant on left). Then go for
1/2 mile. Pass Dunkin Donuts on Right. About 300 ft. farther, turn Right into
driveway at a Blue sign Board, #1827 Bridge St. (Bridge St. is Rte. 38). Our
entrance driveway is directly across “Bridgewood” Plaza.
A short-cut through Lowell Downtown
From 495 or Rte 3, Exit for Lowell,
Take Lowell Connector. At end, at a traffic light, turn left on Gorham Street
(Street sign is missing). Go straight for about 1/2 mile. When you see MASS
BANK in front of you, BEAR right at the fork, on Prescott Street. (It is
difficult to see the Street sign) Continue straight for about one mile. (During
which you will cross Merrimack Street, Cross Merrimack river on Green color
Bridge, Rte 38 North will join you, you will pass Macdonald and Burger King on
Left, and Wendy's on right). Go straight at traffic light (passing Wendy's on
the right, crossing Rte 113). Go for 1/2 mile. Pass second Dunkin Donuts on
right. About 300 ft. farther, turn right into the Driveway at a Blue signboard,
#1827 Bridge St. (Bridge St. is Rte. 38). Our entrance driveway is directly
across “Bridgewood” Plaza.
Main #. 978-851-3456.
Fax #. 978-640-0531.
Heena Nagda: 978-474-1040.
Savitri. P. Hingorani- 978-851-9359
Kanayo Lala. 978-337-5252
Anil Punjabi: 603-891-0790
Fax #. 978-640-0531.
Heena Nagda: 978-474-1040.
Savitri. P. Hingorani- 978-851-9359
Kanayo Lala. 978-337-5252
Anil Punjabi: 603-891-0790
We email a flyer for the major
satsang's. If you would like to be on our e-mailing list, please write to us
at:vaswanicenter@aol.com. If you wish to be
removed from our mailing list, please write us on this email address.
The Sarva Deva Mandir, Oxford, MA
Open Monday- Sunday from 10:00am to
The SarvaDev Mandir was established on September 20th, 2001, to
meet the Religious, Spiritual, Educational, Cultural and Social needs, paying
special attention to the youth and seniors. Our purpose is to bring Hindu
Community Together to overcome several challenges that our growing children
face in this country. It is hard for our children to answer questions like why
we have several Gods, Why do we have Ganesh with elephant Trunk and Hanuman ji
with monkey face?
need to have answers and the only way they will learn is, if they are exposed
to our religion in their daily life. Our seniors are living a very lonely life
and are far removed from their culture when they are living here in this
country with their very busy children. We wish to build an avenue where Seniors
can come to temple on their own. We welcome your help to achieve this goal.
The backbone of any organization is its
members . We request you register for membership which will enable you to
receive all the information about our programs on regular basis. This donation
will help us pay for our regular maintenance and utility bills. Members will
also be entitled to discounts for priest services as well as SDM Center Rental
for personal parties. Please click on the membership form below. If you like to
donate please click on the donation link.
Sarva Dev Mandir is mandir of all our
Gods. Ganesha, Durga, Rama, Krishna, Hanuman.
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
10:30 AM
11:00 AMfollowed by Satsang and lunch
he Mandir is located in Oxford,
MA and is easily accessible via interstate highway 395.
Address: 6 Main Street, Oxford,
MA 01540
MA and is easily accessible via interstate highway 395.
Address: 6 Main Street, Oxford,
MA 01540
From South (Putnam-NY)
Take Exit # 3 off 395 and at the ramp
make a right turn.
- At T Junction- take a right on Rt 12
- Mandir is the second building on your right.
- At T Junction- take a right on Rt 12
- Mandir is the second building on your right.
From North (Boston-MA)
Take Exit # 3 off 395 and at the ramp
make a left turn.
- At T Junction- take a left on Rt 12
- Mandir is the second building on your left.
- At T Junction- take a left on Rt 12
- Mandir is the second building on your left.
Satsang Center, Woburn, MA
We are located at 1 Pleasant St,
Woburn, MA 01801 (at the Woburn Rotary). Free parking is available behind the
Sovereign bank building next to the temple.
SATSANG means ASSOCIATION WITH TRUTH “in Speech, Thought & Action” to realize the TRUTH. The prime objective of the organization is to organize Satsang & Bhajan Programs and to promote the religious, cultural, charitable & educational activities. Its aim and objectives are to promote CULTURAL AND RELIGIOUS activities including Unity, understanding and appreciation of the Bhartiya (Asian Indian) cultural Heritage based upon the Vedic SANATAN (Eternal) Hindu Dharma (Religion) and direct this understanding and appreciation to our community members at large & our future generation
SATSANG means ASSOCIATION WITH TRUTH “in Speech, Thought & Action” to realize the TRUTH. The prime objective of the organization is to organize Satsang & Bhajan Programs and to promote the religious, cultural, charitable & educational activities. Its aim and objectives are to promote CULTURAL AND RELIGIOUS activities including Unity, understanding and appreciation of the Bhartiya (Asian Indian) cultural Heritage based upon the Vedic SANATAN (Eternal) Hindu Dharma (Religion) and direct this understanding and appreciation to our community members at large & our future generation
Akhand Mataji Dhun Saturday 13th APRIL 2013
Time: 6:00am to 6:00pm
Mataji Havan at 6:00pm
Aarti at: 4:30pm
Time: 6:00am to 6:00pm
Mataji Havan at 6:00pm
Aarti at: 4:30pm
Temple Timings Mon – Fri : 7PM to 8PM
Sat – Sun: 4PM to 5PM
Sat – Sun: 4PM to 5PM
Saturday -
Sunday (Temple is Open from 4 PM to 5.00 PM)
Aarti Timings
4.30 PM
Aarti Timings
4.30 PM
Monday -Friday
(Temple is Open from 7 PM to 8PM)
Aarti Timings
7.30 PM
Aarti Timings
7.30 PM
Shri Dwarakamai, North Billerica, MA
Our Purpose
To glorify God residing in every individual by conducting
spiritual and philanthropy programs.
Our Vision
To become Shirdi Sai’s philosophy based foundation that acts
as a catalyst for spiritual development of individuals.
Our Mission
We conduct Shirdi Sai Palkhi at various locations in USA.
Our Values
We carry values of spiritual excellence, blissfulness, holiness,
dedication, integrity, generosity, passion, wisdom and teamwork.
Our Beliefs
We read the holy book “Shri Sai Satcharitra” and all our beliefs
reside in this holy book.
Our Strategy
- Approach Shri Sai’s Devotees at different locations for a spiritual walk to every other family home.
- Provide religious and neutral platform for spiritual development of Shri Sai’s Devotees.
Our Goals and Objectives
- To bring spiritually enlighten environment in the home of the Shri Sai’s families.
- To encourage and facilitate philanthropy services under the doctrine of Shri Sai’s philosophy.
- Nurture spiritual growth of kids, adults and families.
- To conduct spiritual upliftment programs for kids and adults.
- Find reliable and right channels for satisfying needs of under privileged kids.
- Conduct programs for social and community development.
Our Passion
- We do spiritual walk in the form of Shri Sai Palkhi Procession at various locations in USA.
Shri Dwarkamai Vidyapeeth
Shri Shirdi Sai Center of Spiritual Excellence
267, Boston Road, Suite 9,
North Billerica, MA 01862
978 276 9724
Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple, Billerica, MA. We
are located next to MacDonald's on Boston Road in the Corporate place complex.
Shri Dwarkamai Course Listing
Begin date: Jan 19th 2013 Class schedule: Alternate Sat @ 4:30 PM |
Begin date: May 05th 2013 Class schedule: 1st and 3rd Sun from 3:00 to 5:30 PM |
Class schedule: Monday & Thursday 6:30-7:30 PM |
Class schedule: Every Friday from 6.30PM-7.30PM |
Begin date: Sun Sep 16th 2012 Class schedule: Every Sun 12:30 PM |
Class schedule: Mon-Fri from 5-9 PM & Weekends from 9 AM - 1 PM & 3 PM - 7 PM |
Class schedule: Every Sun from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM |
All are welcome to chant the name of
Shri Hari and listen to his glories from the Srimad Bhagvatam.
Shri Sai Fundraising Event - Exquisite
dance performance by renowned Odissi dance Ms. Aruna Mohanty and her troupe.
We will be honoring our senior citizens
in this special program to honor them for years of sacrifice and to seek their
All are welcome to participate in the
monthly Samuhik SatyaNarayana Pooja conducted at Shri Dwarkamai Sai Baba Temple
With the blessings of Sri Sai, we are
undertaking a task of reading the entire Sanskrit text of Valmiki's Ramayana at
Shri Dwarkamai Vidyapeeth.
All are invited for Sankathara
Chaturthi Ganapati Abhishek along with regular Monday Shiva Abhishek.
Sri Swamy Narayana Temple, Lowell, MA
1705 Middlesex Street
MA 01852
Tel: +1 978 934 9390
Email: info@swaminarayan.info
Temple Inauguration
His Holiness Acharya Shree Koshalendraprasadji performed the grand Murti Pratistha of Boston's Temple on August 20th, 2006
Idols worshipped
Shri Ghanshyam Maharaj
Shri Radha Dev
Shri NarNarayan Dev
Shri LaxmiNarayan Dev
Shri DharmaDev BhaktiMata
Shri Ram Sita
Tirupati Balaji
Umiya Mata
Shankar Parvatiji and Shiv Ling
SuryaNarayan Dev
Date of Installation
Solar Calendar: August 20, 2006
Brief History
Satsang in the area began in 1987 with His Holiness 1008 Shree Tejendraprasadji Maharaj’s first visit. Within three years of His Holiness's visit, the followers had decided they wanted a magnificent temple to enrich their children with culture, spirituality and devotion. Many hardships came in constructing Shree Hari’s divine abode in, but with the divine blessings of Lord Swaminarayan the construction finished. The in is a divine gift from Akshardham for the devoted followers of this area.
The installation ceremony of the idols in the temple was celebrated in the presence of thousands of people from all over , and with great splendor. After the installation of the idols, His Holiness 1008 Shri Tejendraprasadji Maharaj said to the Mayor of Lowell, MA, “We have not changed this facility, it was a place of worship for many before and it is still a place of worship for many“.
In August of 2006 the temple was restablished on 1705 Middlesex Street . The new temple is located on 3 acre land with more than 200 car parking in the heart of and in close proximity to the Indian community. There is a city playground adjacent to the temple and the picturesque flowing nearby. The temple has living quarters for His Holiness Acharya Maharajshri, Her Holiness Gadiwala, and respected saints. It contains state-of-the-art lighting and audio system along with a gym, library, classrooms, and a commercial size kitchen.
In addition, the key attraction is a huge banquet hall (named Shriji Banquet Hall) that can seat more than 500 people on table and chairs. This is being utilized to conduct social, cultural, educational, humanitarian activities plus youth camps that are organized by Shri Nar Narayan Dev Yuvak Mandal.
The old temple (which was inaugurated on ) located on 403 Street, has been discontinued when the new temple was inaugurated and that property has been sold.
1705 Middlesex Street
MA 01852
Tel: +1 978 934 9390
Email: info@swaminarayan.info
Temple Inauguration
His Holiness Acharya Shree Koshalendraprasadji performed the grand Murti Pratistha of Boston's Temple on August 20th, 2006
Idols worshipped
Shri Ghanshyam Maharaj
Shri Radha Dev
Shri NarNarayan Dev
Shri LaxmiNarayan Dev
Shri DharmaDev BhaktiMata
Shri Ram Sita
Tirupati Balaji
Umiya Mata
Shankar Parvatiji and Shiv Ling
SuryaNarayan Dev
Date of Installation
Solar Calendar: August 20, 2006
Brief History
Satsang in the area began in 1987 with His Holiness 1008 Shree Tejendraprasadji Maharaj’s first visit. Within three years of His Holiness's visit, the followers had decided they wanted a magnificent temple to enrich their children with culture, spirituality and devotion. Many hardships came in constructing Shree Hari’s divine abode in, but with the divine blessings of Lord Swaminarayan the construction finished. The in is a divine gift from Akshardham for the devoted followers of this area.
The installation ceremony of the idols in the temple was celebrated in the presence of thousands of people from all over , and with great splendor. After the installation of the idols, His Holiness 1008 Shri Tejendraprasadji Maharaj said to the Mayor of Lowell, MA, “We have not changed this facility, it was a place of worship for many before and it is still a place of worship for many“.
In August of 2006 the temple was restablished on 1705 Middlesex Street . The new temple is located on 3 acre land with more than 200 car parking in the heart of and in close proximity to the Indian community. There is a city playground adjacent to the temple and the picturesque flowing nearby. The temple has living quarters for His Holiness Acharya Maharajshri, Her Holiness Gadiwala, and respected saints. It contains state-of-the-art lighting and audio system along with a gym, library, classrooms, and a commercial size kitchen.
In addition, the key attraction is a huge banquet hall (named Shriji Banquet Hall) that can seat more than 500 people on table and chairs. This is being utilized to conduct social, cultural, educational, humanitarian activities plus youth camps that are organized by Shri Nar Narayan Dev Yuvak Mandal.
The old temple (which was inaugurated on ) located on 403 Street, has been discontinued when the new temple was inaugurated and that property has been sold.
Hari Jayanti
Swaminarayan Temple Dholera, Madan Mohan Dev Patotsav
Shree Swaminarayan Temple Byron (ISSO),
Chhapaiyya Dham will be celebrating their Murti Pran Prathishta Mahostav from
Sunday 23rd June to Tuesday 30th June 2013.
Shri Gurusthan, Northboro, MA
To glorify God residing in every individual by conducting spiritual and philanthropy programs.
Our Vision
To become Shirdi Sai’s philosophy based foundation that acts as a catalyst for spiritual development of individuals.
Our Mission
We conduct Shirdi Sai Palkhi at various locations in USA.
Our Values
We carry values of spiritual excellence, blissfulness, holiness, dedication, integrity, generosity, passion, wisdom and teamwork.
Our Beliefs
We read the holy book “Shri Sai Satcharitra” and all our beliefs reside in this holy book.
Our Strategy
- Approach Shri Sai’s Devotees at different locations for a spiritual walk to every other family home.
- Provide religious and neutral platform for spiritual development of Shri Sai’s Devotees.
Our Goals and Objectives
- To bring spiritually enlighten environment in the home of the Shri Sai’s families.
- To encourage and facilitate philanthropy services under the doctrine of Shri Sai’s philosophy.
- Nurture spiritual growth of kids, adults and families.
- To conduct spiritual upliftment programs for kids and adults.
- Find reliable and right channels for satisfying needs of under privileged kids.
- Conduct programs for social and community development.
Our Passion
We do spiritual walk in the form of Shri Sai Palkhi Procession at various locations in USA.
We are
located near to Walmart and Fountain Head Apartments Complex, while
traveling on Otis Street towards Northborough city.
Telugu Language & Culture Program
The Telugu Language & Culture Program hosted by Geetha Suresh at The Gurusthan, is a tried and tested, customized course, designed to impart knowledge and insight into the life, language, and, culture of the Telugu Community. The main focus of this program is to teach conversational/spoken Telugu language and familiarize the young generation with Indian Culture. The language program includes practice of Telugu words, sentences, letters, and rhymes. The kids shall also enjoy Moral, Religious, and Historical Stories from India, narrated in a unique fun-filled and interactive manner that shall help the kids stay interested and foster active participation.Geetha is an experienced teacher with extensive experience in teaching Telugu Language & Culture. She is a dedicated devotee of Shri Sai Baba and has offered to provide a structured program for helping kids learn Telugu Language and Culture. Geetha owns Smart Kids Learning Center (www.SmartKidsLearningcenter.com) in Grafton and Shrewsbury, MA.
(Monthly 3 times - first 3 Thursdays of the month)
Fees: $150 Per Year.
Location: Shri Gurusthan Sai Temple.
107 Otis Street, Northborough, MA 01532
Phone: 508-934-0155
Geetha Suresh
Why should your kids
learn Telugu?Mother-tongue (“the first language”) is an important aspect of a person’s social and personal life. Mother-tongue is our identity and the ability to communicate with our first language exhibits who we are, where we come from, and who we associate with. A child can best communicate with his parents as well as other family members in his/her own mother-tongue. By learning "Telugu", the language of your origins, your child shall be able to communicate effectively and confidently with family, friends, relatives and grand parents. This shall keep them to be tightly-knit to their ‘family’, 'roots' and 'culture'.
Why is it important to learn about our Indian Culture and Festivals?
India has a very vivid and diverse culture, with deep-rooted foundations built on religious virtues and traditions. Knowledge of Indian Culture imparts good moral values, self-control, tolerance, respect and kindness. Understanding Indian cultural values and Indian festivals helps signify the victory of good over evil.
How will this program help our kids?
Language and Culture are intertwined. To learn Indian culture, the medium of Indian language is most effective and important. Our epics and stories are scripted in Indian languages and their essence and meaning is best understood in our native languages. Upon completion of this program, kids shall be able to speak and understand Telugu, Rhyms, stories, letters, know Indian culture, festivals, and slokas.
SmartKids Learning Center [SKLC]
(508) 459-8766
Program Content:
Telugu Language Topics:[1] Telugu Alphabets (Letters)
[2] Telugu Spoken Language - Daily Practice
[3] Telugu Words or Padamulu
[4] Telugu Writing Words & Sentences
[5] Telugu Rhymes & Paatalu
[6] Telugu Moral Stories
[7] Indian Heroes Stories
[8] Language test
Indian Culture & Slokas Topics:
[1] Indian Festivals
[2] Sanskrit Slokas and their meanings
[3] Mythological Stories
[4] Epics Stories
[5] Comic Stories
[6] Dasavataralu
[7] Cultural program
Om Tat Sat
humble salutations to the great devotees
, wikisources and Pilgrimage tourist guide for the
collection )
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